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GC - Obituaries
Obituary For - Dr. Denis F. Paul - Grenada

Name  " Dr. Denis F. Paul "
D.O.D  04/06/2016
Parish From  St. David
District  Westerhall
Service Date
04/15/2016  @ 2:00pm


The Death is announced of Dr. Denis F. Paul of Vincennes, St. David Who died on Wednesday 6th April 2016 He was the Husband of: Mrs. Kay Simon Father of: Thomas Paul and Amelia Paul in New York Grandfather of: Amirah, Ahmad, and Rashida Mohammed, and Diego Paul, also in New York Brother of: David, Oliver, Bowring, Arthur, Olive, Gracelyn, Pamela, Cecilia, and Louise Uncle of many Many relatives including the Lett’s and Radix’s families of St. David and the Paul’s and Marecheau’s families of St. John and St. George; and other relatives and friends in the United States, Canada, England, Trinidad, Guyana and the US Virgin Islands
Special Info  The Funeral of the late Dr. Denis F. Paul Will take place on Friday 15th April, 2016 at 2.00 p.m. Funeral service will be held at the Immaculate Conception Catholic Church in St. David. The internment will be Private, restricted to members of the family. NB: Viewing starts at 12.00 noon and Tributes at 1.00 p.m.

Condolences to Kay Simon and the family of Dr. Denis F. Paul. A man of science, diligent, smart and straight. Dr. Paul was an asset to the University of the Virgin Islands; through his position as V.P., was adamant that the University maintain its core of academic excellence regardless of the times. I will miss Dr. Paul and think of him fondly, with respect and reverence and with gratitude for a life well lived which through fate, happened to shine a little light my way.
ST. JOHN V.I. [4/19/2016]

To the Paul family, please accept my condolences. He was a great leader, educator and scientist, and as such will be sorely missed. His legacy lives on in his children, grandchildren, and countless generations of students and faculty in the United States and across the Carribean.
SAG HARBOR, NY [4/15/2016]

My sincere condolences. As you reflect on cherished memories to be comforted also take to heart our Creator's loving promise to end death and all forms of suffering. He will reunite us with our loved ones to enjoy a life of true happiness and peace forever. (Revelation 21:4; John 5:28,29; Titus 1:2)
ST.GEORGE [4/15/2016]

My sincere condolences. As you reflect on cherished memories to be comforted also take to heart our Creator's loving promise to end death and all forms of suffering. He will reunite us with our loved ones to enjoy a life of true happiness and peace forever. (Revelation 21:4; John 5:28,29; Titus 1:2)
ST.GEORGE [4/15/2016]

You did so much for so many Grenadians in the NYC area, including the Medgar Evers University family. Rest in peace dear fellow. Condolences to the family.
BROOKLYN, NY [4/14/2016]

My deepest sympathy goes out to the Paul family,on the lost of your loved one.May God's gentle love uplift you,and fill your hearts with his consoling peace. my thoughts and prayers are with you.
SILVER SPRING, MD. [4/14/2016]

To the family of the late Denis F. Paul, Ph.D. May the peace of God comfort all of you at this time of your bereavement. May all of you cherish the good times you have shared together. Judith Harrigan and Family
ST. THOMAS [4/13/2016]

To the Family of Dr. Denis Paul: So sorry to hear of the passing of Denis Paul. We worked together for DuPont in Parlin, NJ in the 70's. Many times since then he has crossed my mind, wondering how he was doing in Grenada. Please accept our deepest sympathy and know that you all will remain in our thoughts and prayers during this difficult time. Barbara & Chris Gadegbeku
3300 DARBY RD APT 7319, HAVERFORD, PA 19041 [4/13/2016]

please accept my sympathy on your brothers passing, may he rest in peace. he is with his maker and just ahead of us .

To all who ever knew him or crossed his path, you know how much this world will miss all the blessings that have come to us through his dedication, perseverance, intelligence, humor and willingness to serve others. We can truly say of his life,
BROOKLYN, NY [4/13/2016]

We remember Dr. Denis Paul and honor his many contributions to the University of the Virgin Islands in his tenure with us. May God welcome him into the heavenly reward and may his family be consoled.
ST. CROIX, VI [4/12/2016]

On behalf of the Paul family, Thank you all very much for the many condolences our family received on the passing of Dr. Denis Paul. We are touched by the high esteem in which you held him. We will always cherish his memory.
TORONTO, CANADA [4/12/2016]

I am very sorry to hear about your loss. some comforting scriptures that help me to cope is acts 24:15 and psalm 34:18 I look forward to the time when death will be no more Isaiah 25:8
GRENADA [4/11/2016]

Deepest condolences to the relatives of Dr Denis Paul. May God comfort you in your loss.
TRINIDAD [4/10/2016]

My condolences to the Paul families immediate and extended on the passing of Dr. Denis. During his lifetime he was an inspiration and a role model to young and old alike. He lived life not only for himself - he lived for many others and empowered many by examples. Your job with us is well done and over rest in peace. You will always be remembered.
NEW YORK [4/10/2016]

It was an honor to know you when I was your chemistry student at Brooklyn College. My heartfelt condolences go to your wife, your family and the many others who love, admire and respect you. You touched many lives. Rest in peace, Denis.
BEDFORD HILLS, NY [4/8/2016]

You are in our thoughts and prayers
