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GC - Obituaries
Obituary For - Paul Fitzroy Thomas - Grenada

Name  " Paul Fitzroy Thomas "
Better Know As  Inping / Muff
D.O.B  06/06/1948
D.O.D  03/02/2018
Parish From  St. George
District  Belmont
Place of Death  Tortola, B.V.I
Service Date
04/05/2018  @


With heavy hearts we announce the passing of Paul Fitzroy Thomas A.K.A "Inping" of Belmont St. George,s, who resided in Tartola B.V.I. He died there on 03/02/18 at the age of 69. Left to mourn three children. Sons Paul Ist in Bronx, New York, Paul II and daughter Dedra Thomas both in Tortola. One grandson Malaki . Three Brothers, Martin in Fortlauder Dale florida, Michael Boe in New York and Isaac who works at the Grenada Marine. Four sisters including Alice Benjamin in Tortola, Valarie James in New York, Maria Vincent in Florida and Agatha Phillip in Grenada. Three brother in law Jack Vincent,Percy Benjamin and John Phillip. Two sister in law Helen and Carol. Fourteen nephews including Derick,Rayon, Jamal and Josh. Thirteen neices including Shereen, Jenelle, Kathy-ann and Lilly. Six grand neices and nine grand nephews. Other relatives and friends including Anthony Bunkans Cox. Victor Cox, Peter Berry Cox, Tanty Ann, Tanty Rosie and Tanty Margaret . The Cox ,Henry, Vincent and Stephens in Grenada. Also the Benjamin, Fahie, Martin and Parker family in Tortola. The Sailing and Taxi fraternity in West End Tortola. Friends of Belmont, The Market and fish vendors The funeral of the late Paul Fitzroy Thomas will take place on Thursday April the 5th. The service will be held at the Blessed Sacrement Church Grand Anse and burial at the Grand Anse Cemetry. All funeral arrangement is by La qua Brothers Funeral Home.

  Family/Friend Info:
Contact:   Micheal Thomas (Mike)
Location:  Brooklyn, New York, USA

My condolences to the Thomas Family on the passing of Paul. May his smile be forever etched in your hearts. And may he Rest in Peace with the Angels. Gone but not forgotten.
TRINIDAD [3/25/2018]

May his life be an example for everyone.
