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GC - Obituaries
Obituary For - Dr. Kerlene calliste - Grenada

Name  " Dr. Kerlene calliste "
D.O.D  08/27/2019
Parish From  St. George
District  River Road
Place of Death  Mineola Village, Nassu
Service Date
09/12/2019  @ 1:30pm


We regret to announce the death of Kerlene Calliste,of River Road, St. George who passed away on Tuesday, Aug. 27th, 2019, in Mineola Village, Nassau, New York. Funeral service for the late Kerlene Calliste will take place in her home country Grenada on the Thursday, September 12th, 2019. She was the Daughter of: Marlene Wynne and Bransley Calliste Sister of: Tanatha Belfon, Aysha Ollivierre, Shonnel Philbert and Dr. Chrystel Calliste Aunt of: Anthony Greenidge, Tager and Chisa Belfon, Sevita and Sarina Philbert and Rodney Ollivierre Granddaughter of: Lennie Christopher and Fitzroy Pascal Niece of many including: Lawrence and Glennis Calliste, Wilma Smith and Phyllis Wynne Fiancee of: Robert Modeste Sister- in- law of: Hasani Philbert, Dr. Yonni Belfon and Nimrod Ollivierre Goddaughter of Gloria Fletcher Many other relatives and friends including Dr. Tyhiesia Donald and Dr. Dolland Noel, Sharon Joseph, Chris Phillip, the Calliste family of Poyntzfield, St. Patrick and Wynne Family of River Road, St. George’s. The doctors and staff of the General Hospital ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. The Funeral service for the late Dr. Kerlene Calliste Will take place on Thursday 12th September 2019 at 1:30 pm Funeral service will be held at the Cathedral of Immaculate Conception, Church Street, St. George Followed by interment at Center Cemetery

  Funeral Agent Info:
Contact:  Caribbean Funural Service
Location:  Brooklyn, New York, USA
Phone:  718-778-1011

My deepest sympathy goes out the Calliste family and during this sad period
LONDON [9/7/2019]

With deepest sympathy to Marlene/Calliste family,may god comfort,strengthen you during this difficult time,today and always,may her memories brings you peace,comfort and strength.May her soul rest in peace. GONE TOO SOON KERLENE - REST IN PEACE.
