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GC - Obituaries
Obituary For - Ronald Patrick - Grenada

Name  " Ronald Patrick "
Better Know As  Taxi
D.O.B  03-31-1953
D.O.D  02/02/2022
Parish From  St. George
District  Moliniere
Place of Death  Bronx New York
Service Date
02/26/2022  @ 10:30am


St. Matthews R.C. Church 1123 Eastern Parkway Brooklyn New York Viewing at 9:30am Interment: Family Plot - Moliniere St. George Grenada
Special Info  CFS is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom Celebration of Life of Ronald Patrick Topic: Celebration of Life of Ronald Patrick Time: Feb 26, 2022 10:00 AM Eastern Time (US and Canada) Viewing 10:00 to 10:30 am, Funeral service at 10:30 am. Join Zoom Meeting Meeting ID: 826 600 2525 Passcode: 577645

  Funeral Agent Info:
Contact:  Caribbean Funural Service
Location:  Brooklyn, New York, USA
Phone:  718-778-1011


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