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GC - Obituaries
Obituary For - Winnifred Goodings - Grenada

Name  " Winnifred Goodings "
Better Know As  Aunty Winnifred
D.O.B  8/17/1927
D.O.D  10/9/2016
Parish From  St. Andrews
District  Grand Bras
Place of Death  St.Andrews, Grenada
Service Date
10/26/2016  @ 1:00 Pm


The Tribute will be held at 1pm . Additionally, the mass will be held at 2pm.
Special Info  The Funeral service will be held at the Grenville Roman Catholic Church and intermant Grand Bras cemetery.

  Family/Friend Info:
Location:  Brooklyn, New York, USA

Condolences to the family. It may seem like a tough time right now but let God carry you through it. He is willing to bear all of our burdens. She is happy with the Father now. God Bless.
NEW JERSEY [11/12/2016]

our deepest condolences,to the Gooding's family on the passing of Mrs Winifred Gooding's my(Godmother)she was one of the kindness, respected, human individual,in the grand bras land committee she will be miss for the children she is not with us on earth but she will be in a better place. absent in the body is present with our mighty father (godmother ,winy)goodbye rest in peace for the family be strong throughout this difficult times and remember her memories, Vivian/Harvey family
CANADA [11/2/2016]

I am very sorry to hear about your loss. Some comforting scriptures that help me to cope is john 5:28,29 and psalm 34:18 i look forward to the time when death will be no more isaiah 25:8
GRENADA [11/2/2016]

Please accept my deepest sympathy. May the God of all comfort strengthen you during this difficult time. He will soon end death once and for all time. A life of true happiness and peace awaits us all. (Revelation 21:4; Acts 24:15)
GRENADA [10/29/2016]

Trust, friendship, compassion, respect and sensitivity, were the Hallmarks that existed between your family and mine. May her soul rest in peace. May the family take solace in the beautiful life that she lived.
NEW YORK, NEW YORK [10/26/2016]

Sincere condolenses to the Goodings family from the Williams family of Canal Road and Florida. May her soul rest in eternal peace.
FLORIDA [10/26/2016]

My condolences goes out to the Family of Mrs. Goodings especially the children, May God continue to give you the strength throughout the journey, She was a beautiful human being. Our deceased Parents and your deceased Parents were very good Friends. There comes a time when we have to accept that they will not be with us forever. Please continue to share the great memories you have of them and give God the Praise for the beautiful lives that they lived.
BROOKLYN, N.Y. [10/26/2016]

To to entire Goodings family. Sorry about the passing of your mom. She was one of the original women of Grenville. Grand bars and surroundings for the past 50 years. May her soul rest in peace
BROOKLYN, NY [10/26/2016 10:26:32 AM]

My prays to all mom is in a great home now a home which has prepared for us with great loving smile that she always carry knowing that God will take you through at this time
BROOKLYN [10/26/2016]
