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GC - Obituaries
Obituary For - Cecil Lionel Ottley - Grenada

Name  " Cecil Lionel Ottley "
Better Know As  Mugs
D.O.B  12/29/1926
D.O.D  07/02/2018
Parish From  St. George
District  Williamson Road, St. George's
Place of Death  Tampa, Florida
Service Date
07/11/2018  @ 10:00am


Left to mourn his children, grand children and great grand children. Cecil Maitland,Ayisha Ottley,Ayyub Abdullah, Matthew Ottley,John Ottley,James Ottley,Carol Ottley,Carl Ottley. Step Daughters Maria James,Donna McDonald. Grand Children 18 Great Grand Children 8 Many Neices and Nephew.
Special Info  Funeral and Burial will be held at Frank Bell Funeral Home:546 Sterling Place,Brooklyn, NY 11238. Burial:Canarsie Cemetery 1370 Remsen Ave,Brooklyn, NY 11236

  Family/Friend Info:
Contact:   EVA JAMES
Location:  STONE MOUNTAIN, Georgia, USA

My sincere condolences. As you reflect on cherished memories to be comforted also take to heart our Creator's loving promise to end death and all forms of suffering. He will soon reunite us with our loved ones to enjoy a life of true happiness and peace forever. (Revelation 21:4; John 5:28,29; Titus 1:2)
ST. GEORGE [7/13/2018]

My sincere condolences to the entire Ottley Family especially Maria on the passing of Mr. Ottley. May the Good Lord continue to console you during this dark period of your lives. May he rest in peace.
BROOKLYN, N.Y. [7/9/2018]
