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GC - Obituaries
Obituary For - Nell Crescentia Lee nee Bernadine - Grenada

Name  " Nell Crescentia Lee nee Bernadine "
Better Know As  Granny / Nellie
D.O.B  04/10/2018
D.O.D  08/03/2018
Parish From  St. Johns
District  Gouyave
Place of Death  London, England, UK
Service Date
09/06/2018  @ 11:30pm


The passing of Nell Crescentia Lee, nee Bernadine age 96. Funeral service will be held on 6th September 2018 at 11.30 am at English Martyrs Roman Catholic Church, Walworth, London. Internment at Camberwell New Cemetery, London.
Special Info  F.A. Albin & Sons Funeral Directors (Walworth branch), London

  Family/Friend Info:
Contact:   Denise Lee
Location:  Elephant & Castle, London, England / UK


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