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GC - Obituaries
Obituary For - Collins Phillip George - Grenada

Name  " Collins Phillip George "
Better Know As  Bones
D.O.B  08/12/1940
D.O.D  09/01/2019
Parish From  St. Andrews
District  Paraclete
Place of Death  London, England
Service Date
08/25/2019  @ 1:00pm


Collins Phillip George also know as "Bones", passed away in London, England on September 1, 2019 at the age of 79. He is survived by his wife Pearl Ghartley, two children Sara and Kevin, five grand children Zach, Zoey, Jake, Myla and Mariah; his sisters Maudlyn McFarlane, Valerie, Valencia and Sheila George; Joyce Douglas, Myrna Charles, Agnes and Jacinta Viechweg, Debbie and Hazel Drake and Carmen Bascombe; brothers Cyril, Roderick, Kenneth and Gough George, Rufus Viechweg, Kim and Kebo Drake, Leroy and Lenuid Jones, and Francis Phillip; several nieces and nephews including Rodney and Glenroy George, Gloria, Trevor, Glenis, Sonia, Kenneth, Dennison, Dave, Salisha, Alicia and Aiden George, Shemika, Kelvin, Arlana and Rhesa Henry, Sharon Moses, Merle Williams, Wayne Alexis, Sherrrian Jack, Magan Forrester and Shana Mascelle; many other relatives and friends including Dennis and Alma Flanders, Karen Forrester, Junior Walker, Curtis and Carlyle Williams, and Christopher Roberts; friends and relatives of Paraclete, St. Andrew and the staff of Wel Fed restaurant in Grenville. Funeral services for Collins Phillip George will be held on Wednesday 25th September, 2019 at Christ Church Southgate in London, England, followed by burial at Southgate cemetery.

  Family/Friend Info:
Contact:   Kelvin Henry (Kmatikz Engineering)
Location:  Simon, St. Andrews, Grenada

We miss you dad;
LONDON [8/6/2020]
